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AVA Convention Registration


The walk events on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday have remote starting points. We are including the bus transportation to the starting points as a part of the Full Convention Pass and the 5-Day Walk and Workshop Pass. Busses will return to the Convention Center in time for the start of the General Meetings on Wednesday and Friday.

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Brave, Chromium, Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge
  • All registration items that are marked with a red asterisk (*) must be filled out. Failure to do so will result in an error message being displayed.
  • When you have completed each person's registration press the blue Add to Cart button.
  • You may register as many people as you wish. Add each completed registration to the "Cart" before registering the next person.
  • After completing all registrations press the "Cart" in the upper-right corner to process the cart.
  • The information of the first person in the "Cart" will be used for the payment section.
* Please enter the date that this waiver is acknowledged.

In consideration of the American Volkssport Association (AVA) allowing my minor child identified below (the Participant) to participate in any way in its programs and activities, including volkssporting programs, I,
, the undersigned parent or legal guardian of said minor, acknowledge, appreciate, and agree that:

  1. The risk of injury from the activities involved in this program is or may be significant, including the potential for serious injury, including permanent paralysis or death, or severe social or economic loss, which would result from the Participant's own actions, inactions or the actions or inactions of others, the condition of the premises, the trail or any equipment that may be used, including other risks not reasonably foreseeable at this time. While particular skills, equipment and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist; and
  2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS ON BEHALF OF THE PARTICIPANT, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my minor child's participation; and
  3. I willingly agree to instruct the Participant to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation, to remove his or her self from participation if the Participant observes any unusual significant hazard or believes anything is unsafe during his or her presence or participation and to bring any such hazard or unsafe condition to the attention of AVA staff, event supervisor or other person in authority immediately; and
  4. AVA and its legal representatives and assigns, retain the right and permission to publish, without change, photographs taken during any of its activities or events or shared, via digital image or otherwise, with AVA by members or Participants. These photographs may be used for AVA purposes only in written or electronic publications including Checkpoint or TAW, social media, websites or in audio-visual presentations, promotional literature, advertising or in other similar ways. I hereby authorize AVA to use any photographs taken of the Participant during any such activity or event; and
  5. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS AVA, its officers, officials, agents or employees, as well as any participant, sponsoring agency, sponsor, advertiser, owner or lessor of premises used for any such activity or event (Releasees), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law; and
  6. This is to certify that I, as parent or guardian with legal responsibility for the Participant, do consent and agree to his or her release as provided above of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to photographs taken of the Participant and the Participant's involvement or participation in any activity or event as provided above, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES, to the fullest extent permitted by law.


* Please enter the name of the minor.
* Please enter your relationship the minor.
* Please enter name of Parent or Guardian
* Please enter the Date

This Pass includes the following:

  • The Welcome Reception, the Dessert in the Desert, and the Gala and Hall of Fame Awards social events.
  • All Sports Events associated with the AVA Convention. This includes all pre-convention and post-convention walks, as well as the walk, bike, and swim events that are available during the Convention.
  • The Las Cruces Downtown Community walk event on Saturday after the Convention.
  • Bus Transportation for the Convention Walk events; El Paso International, El Paso Rose Garden, White Sands National Park, and Mesilla Valley.
  • The Club Delegate Floor fee for those who are voting delegates at the Regular Membership Meetings.
  • Box Lunches on Thursday and Friday.
  • Souvenir T-Shirt and Registration swag bag.
  • Souvenir Booklet with walk stickers.
  • Workshops.

This Pass includes the following:

  • Event Credit fees for the 4 Convention Walk events and the Downtown Las Cruces Community Walk on Saturday.
  • Bus Transportation for the Convention Walk events; El Paso International, El Paso Rose Garden, White Sands National Park, and Mesilla Valley.
  • Box Lunches for Thursday and Friday.
  • Souvenir T-Shirt and Registration swag bag.
  • Souvenir Booklet with walk stickers.
  • Workshops.

This Pass DOES NOT include the following:

  • Any Social Event unless purchased as an extra.
  • The Club Delegate Floor fee. This fee will only be assessed to those who have selected that they are a voting club delegate at the Regular Membership Meetings.
Are you registering as a voting delegate to the AVA Regular Membership Meetings? If so, there is a $75 delegate floor fee to cover meeting expenses.
  • This fee is included in the Full Convention Pass.
  • This fee is NOT included in the Convention 5-day Walk and Workshop Pass.

* I will be voting for a club or multiple clubs at the Convention Regular Membership Meetings

Please help us make your event the best possible that we can!

Spend a moment and select the sports and social events that you plan on participating in for each day.
Please select all the walks, bikes, swims that you plan on doing for each day.

  • The items in black are included in your selected pass and your selection is for informational purposes only.
  • The items in purple are not included in your selected Pass, but may be selected and purchased at additional cost. Your selection of these items will be reflected in your total registration cost.

Please Note! The transportation to/from any of the Pre-Convention and Post-Convention walk events is the registrant's responsibility.

The provided bus transportation will leave El Paso in time for the passengers to return to Las Cruces for lunch and the start of the General Meeting. That means that there will only be time for bus riders to complete one (1) 5km walk. If you wish to do both, you must take other public or private transporation.
The provided bus transportation will leave White Sands NP after all participants for that bus have completed the 5km walk. Private transportation into the White Sands NP are subject to National Park entrance fees.
The provided bus transportation will leave White Sands NP in time for the passengers to return to Las Cruces for lunch and the start of the General Meeting. Private transportation into the White Sands NP are subject to National Park entrance fees.
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